Increase well-being
Other ideas for expanding your window of resilience
If you are not yet in a dysregulated state, you can work on maintaining your overall well-being so that you stay regulated in times of stress. The links below provide resources and examples of evidence-based practices that promote emotional regulation and well-being. The time for each activity can vary; use the filters to sort by suggested times.

Connect with Others: Greater Good Science Center’s Connection Practices

Engage in Physical Activity: AllTrails app or Seated Strength, Cardio, and Stretching from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

Engage in Positive Self-Talk: Positive Affirmations from Live Well at Arizona State University

Get Outside: Walking Meditation

Learn About the Brain: How stress affects your brain by Ted-Ed

Mindfulness Journaling: Daily Questions or Printable Journal Prompts

Practice Gratitude: 13 Most Popular Gratitude Exercises & Activities

Practice Gratitude: Greater Good Science Center’s Gratitude Practices